Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Best Way to Learn Amharic...

Sure, some people have their fancy Foreign Service CD's, private tutors, or organized classes, but I have something much better...

A thoughtful gift from my best friend given on the occasion,(nearly one year ago today), of becoming 'officially waiting'...

A fun husband...

And Trader Joe's...

We may not learn anything other than how to order sost cups of Buna, but it is a start.

I will learn Amharic. I will learn Amharic, say it with me, I will learn Amharic.

We have committed to at least one hour a week of studying Amharic, and one hour of studying baby signs. We will be able to communicate with our kids, say it with me, we will be able to communicate with our kids.


  1. I can't even pronounce amharic!

  2. Hey, I thought about ordering those Amharic bean bags for myself, but got the "Our first Amharic words" book instead. This is on my list of things to do this year too, but it is definitely daunting...maybe we need an online language study group!

  3. I've seen those bean bags before and love them! You will learn Amharic!

  4. Yes We Can!

    You will learn Amharic and then you guys will teach it to me! And to Craig. And to Bob Laurence. :)


  5. Happy learning...You could also learn how to say Yes - I accept your proposal!!!

  6. I highly recommend this CD-booklet combo, which I think is perfect for adoptive families trying to communicate with their new children.

  7. Ooooh, that sounds great. I am also realizing that the time is now for Amharic. The kiddos are coming :)

  8. Reading your blog I must say that it seems like you & your husband have the most amazing, enviable relationship! You are so lucky!

  9. Oh please do a better job at learning this complicated language than we did. We traveled to ET to get our 6 year old, knowing only how to say bread, and chicken- both of which I have forgotten now. Those words did not come in handy at all when the child was trying to tell us she needed to use the bathroom.

    Good luck.

  10. I REALLY wish I would have learned more Amharic. I am so sad when I think about how Habi has almost completely lost his :(

  11. That is my favorite coffee. Nice.

  12. Have you seen the Lion of Judah Society videos on Youtube? Here's one:
    Anyway, they are pretty helpful.
    Good luck!

  13. Love that coffee! And kudos to you and hubby, You will learn Amharic! It's on my list for 2009 but I haven't been to that gym yet, so we'll see.

  14. Hey, you guys both look fun! Lots of helpful stuff offered here, too. Love it.


  15. Good for you guys, and we love that Trader Joes coffee!!!

  16. You can do it! I don't know that I'll ever be able to read Amharic (Jon is much better at that kind of stuff than I am) but basic Amharic words and phrases aren't so hard.

  17. Good for you! Though Amharic was almost as foreign to our kids as it was to us. They spoke Kembategna. Sign language is GREAT! They learned it instantly and it helped a bunch. A friend of mine with a daughter adopted in China with a cleft lip and palate uses "signing times" videos and says they have been miraculous in helping her daughter develop language.

    Good luck!

  18. You will do it! I have total faith in you!

  19. I have some great in-house Amharic tutors that you are welcome to borrow at any time!
