Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Painting by the beautiful and talented Cindy.

I am still at a loss for words.

It's big people.

Beware, this blog is going to have a major tone change.

Thank you for being so happy for us.


  1. Julie, I'm a new bloggy stalker of your blog:) Its so fun to stumble across such amazing people all over the country with the same wild crazy passions. Its bonding!! We had a long journey to our beautiful ET princess...Zoie Senait. We are cheering for speedy "non-eventful" court date, passing & travels!!!!
    Blessings & Congratulations on your two children!!!
    Kari from the Ozarks:)

  2. Love the new ticker! And I don't think you have to apologize (or warn) for the impending tone change - it's about darn time!

  3. Can't wait for the tone change! Love the new ticker and still just elated for you!

  4. Errrr, I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that "Posts Some Folks Like" will need to be modified as well...

    and LOVE LOVE LOVE the new M&M label - how deeply satisfying is that to now have?!?!


  5. wait a minute... YOU"VE got a TICKER!?!?! Where is the real Julie??

    Oh...she's gone?

    You've replaced her with M & M's mama?

    Well, now, that will do just fine.


  6. oh, it's all so lovely! Love the painting. Love the ticker. LOVE that you've seen your babies' faces :)

  7. Oh course...it's big HUGE life changing forever more. M & M are YOURS.
    I cannot wait to hear about a court date...and see picks of those little bugs on your blog!

  8. M & M's Mama. Grand, Huge. My heart skips a beat when I come to your blog, just the wave of knowing, the wave of excitement.


  9. I hope you don't mind, I added it to my "other blog".


  10. The ticker!!! M & M!!! So wonderful!!

  11. That's so cute! I don't think you need a tone change, though. I think you already have it all! All the tones. Use each as you see fit. Happy tone is especially wonderful in context.

  12. Oooo, I feel so honored with the link. I think you are just as a fine stuffer as I:) And the ticker is perfecto! I still cannot believe how exciting this is. So young! And if you were in the mood to shoot any photos...janamama72@gmail.com

  13. ahhh... the ticker. I am still on cloud 9 with you. I can't wait until you are squeezing both your sweet lovies' cheeks!!!- on the face not bum :)

  14. Love the ticker....love M&M :)

  15. Awwww... well, if you miss the old tone, you're welcome to drop on by my blog where it looks like I'll be wallowing all summer:-) The ticker's great, you guys are great, life's great. Really happy for you!
