Saturday, June 27, 2009

Countdown to Court: Six


  1. yippee less then a week! this time next week you will be a mommy on paper! I know you already are a MOMMY!!!

  2. So I see you have spent most of your long wait accumulating all sorts of child-related stuff! I've been loving the countdown and the pictures, can't wait to hear that you've passed court and are on your way to Ethiopia finally!

  3. Those are the cutest things ever! You're still not sleeping are you?!!

    Less than a week to go!

  4. So close now! This will be a looooong week for you, hang in there!

  5. I love your countdown. It is amazingly cute. Less than one week!!!!

  6. I really like your creative countdown.

  7. LOVE your count down. Keep chugging away at the hours until that COURT DATE.

    On Court day are you going to do an hourly until you hear the wonderful news that all went well and you are the proud parents of 2 little cutie pies???

  8. Tomorrow or my today it's only 5 days...all on one hand as Noah pointed out :). My whole family is waiting with great anticipation for your officially, official day!!!!!!!

  9. Animal #2 is down! Stampede alert!

  10. Holy cow! Last time I checked your blog it was Wordless Wednesday. Then we went out of town. We just got back late last night, and this evening, while giving ZoZo a bath, I wondered to myself if by some crazy chance you got a court date, thinking that after all this waiting wouldn't it be a hoot if you were thrown on the fast track. Lo and behold, not only did you get a court date, but it's 6 days away!!! WAHOO!!! I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Joining in the count down!!!
