Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday Garden Tour... A Day Late... End Of Season Wrap Up.

Finally, Habesha in our Habesha Garden.

Meazi likes the kale...

Meazi and her daddy harvested the barley...

Meazi expressed her disdain for the tomatoes until I told her that they were the main ingredient in ketchup. She is now giving them a second look. Moses took an opportunity to polish them off, and then hid in the bushes until he felt better...

Melese is just happy to be outside...

The last of the broccoli was picked...

And steamed...

As you can see, the Habesha Garden was a bit neglected while we were busy becoming a family of six...

Imagine my shock and dismay as I stepped outside one day and saw Meazi, sweat beating down her face, wielding this large garden tool...

Steven had purchased it for her at Home Depot. Uhm, excuse me, this is DANGEROUS. He said she had expressed a keen interest in gardening/farming and had obviously done some hard farm work before. He then reminded me that my Montessori teacher mom had encouraged us to let our children use real adult items. I am pretty sure she meant small, blunt, scissors.

Speaking of dangerous, we took the kidlets to visit our bees. Meazi loves honey, and has some almost everyday. She was not at all afraid...

Steven suffered his first sting, on the eyelid. The bees had been so docile up to now, that he thought he could forgo the head protection. The gentle Rooney Easter Bees, have been replaced by a new swarm that are unfortunately, not as friendly. They are also inundated with wax moth larvae, which I am told is a very bad thing. Please don't expect your Habesha Honey in the mail this Holiday season.

I am really looking forward to more gardening with the kids.

We've come a long way...

(Insert the over-the-top-what-once-was-barren- and-cold metaphor here.)


  1. O Lordy!
    That pick-ax!
    Try these instead Daddy...


  2. You didn't tell me they'd be wielding tools-need-a-license-for in Montessori!

    I love this post - gardens are wonderful things for everyone.

  3. Oh yes, Habesha in the Habesha garden, very nice. I thought that all gardens get neglected at this time of year. Or much earlier, in my case.

  4. Love the post Julie. I keep meaning to call you, but life is kicking my arse right now.

  5. Snif, snif! Love it - all of it!

  6. Love the garden. We made a rather pathetic attempt to keep up with ours this year but in the end "decided" to donate it to the local wildlife. Yours is inspiring me to actually tackle a real garden next year though...

  7. I need you both to come and transform my yard into a beautiful garden, okay?! Or at least give me some kick-arse tips. I need everything in flower beds high enough where the dogs won't lift their legs on the produce. :) And we have mostly shade. But I am determined to garden with my girls! I love your pics, and the bee story (the previous post and this one) is just amazing. The journey of the bees...the journey of families.

  8. So nice of Daddy to get her her own AX!!! I was laughing so hard.....that is so sweet.

  9. amazing when our children do things that make you wonder, where in the world did they learn to do that?!

  10. Congratulations on Day 2 of Nablopomo. I've read & been inspired by your blog for months now, and am so looking forward to 28 more days of posts (including one-sentence posts or even one-word posts!). Have fun with it!

  11. well, sharp gardening tools really help the family bond... at least that's what i've always thought.

    little habesha is a daddy's girl, isn't she?

  12. Oh no! Where did our bees go?

    love this post, btw

  13. Your garden fared better than ours. Funny too, I was going to post some pics of its sad state.

    Oh please remember to post photos of the machete that Meazi will unwrap for Christmas! I'm very excited to see that.

    Looks to me like the two Habeshas are thriving in their fambly garden, and just as we enter a colder season. May they keep your house lit and warm for many beautiful winters to come.

