Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School- New Column

New Column up...Here.


  1. Beautiful. So timely for me--my barnacle starts part-time preschool at a Reggio based co-op daycare in two weeks. I am terrified.

  2. This is a beautiful piece of writing - thanks for sharing it. I live north of you and had to write that dang earthquake letter for the first time last September - it made me bawl putting those words on paper! I hope your little guy is readier this year.

  3. I also just wrote a post about sending my daughter (home for almost 11 weeks) off to school today... It's so hard seeing my shy sweet girl go off into the unknown. Hoping, praying that I prepared her as much as I could. It hurts for her to be flying on her own out from under my wing. But it's also so beautiful to see.

    Thank you for writing that article.
