Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Heroes, Idols, and Books.

We went to the Festival of Books. I got to meet one of my heroes.
Meazi got to meet one of hers.
Something for everyone.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Eight Months & Five Days Ago...
She was so scared. She is still scared. On my birthday she asked me who would take care of her and Melese when Steven and I died. I don't think that a lot of the people she knew in Ethiopia made it past 40 years old.
This girl breaks my heart. This girl fills my heart.
These children are remarkable.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Old and Grateful
Meazi loves birthdays- hers, mine, yours, everyone's. Today is my birthday. About two months ago she asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and what I was going to wish for. I had to pause and fight back tears. I looked into her eyes and said,
"Meazi, every year, for the past ten years, I have wished for one thing. I have that now, and there is nothing else that I want, nothing."
"What did you wish for Mommy?" she asked.
"I wished for children."
"And now you have us?" she said.
"And now I have you and Melese, and there is nothing else that I want."
She smiled. Then she said, "Mommy, your wish came true. I will make your wish for you this year."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Photo Every Hour (ish)

I thought it would be fun to do this again with the new additions to the family. Remember last year's post? Did I mention that I had forgotten to take my medicine that day? That explains some of the lethargy and laziness. As most of you know, I don't have a thyroid, and although mine is a slow acting med, my body definitely feels it when I forget to take it. (And you thought I was just depressed because I didn't know who my kids were yet. Silly you.)
Friday, April 10th, 2010.
Steven leaves for work at 5:30.
6:00 am ish...
The rest of us are up. The beasts want their feasts...
Meazi helps feed Melese...
I check out the laundry...
Meazi manages to find a few remaining clean items...
7:00 am ish...
8:00 am ish...
We have a second breakfast. Mommy is hungry. We are out of eggs. Meazi usually has cheesy eggs every weekday morning. We go through more than two dozen eggs a week. Today, no eggs= frozen waffles...
9:00 am ish...
Since it is a Friday, Meazi does not have school. Her Pre-K is Mon-Thurs, 8:00 am- 10:20 am. I put Melese in the Ergo. I attempt to get him down for his "dishwasher" nap, (the nap lasts as long as it takes to load or empty the dishwasher).
Melese in the Ergo...
10:00 am ish...
Meazi may not have school today, but the grand unveiling of the new Wonder of Reading Library is happening, so off we go. Meazi is also obsessed with her nails today. We told her she could get nail polish for the first time this weekend. (Still working on her dad for the pierced ears).
Meazi sees one of her favorite teachers, "She is chocolate like me." They talk accessories for a moment.

Meazi takes her first spin on the big kids' play structure...
Nap Attempt.
I actually made a recording of the rambunctious shenanigans that occurred. It was loud. Very loud. After Melese finally fell asleep, Meazi wanted to talk about some big subjects. She said, "Mommy, what happens to your body when you die." Sigh. Can't we talk about Dora the Explorer or something? This, I believe, has been brought on by the recent passing of my grandfather. We have been talking a lot about him. I did not go to the funeral. I know that Meazi is already dealing with so much loss and grief right now, and I also had no idea how to actually travel with the two of them by myself. I lighten the mood by telling her one of my favorite stories about my grandfather. She, still processing so much of her own stuff, tells me a detail about her life that makes me cry. I tell her how sorry I am to hear this and she says, "Mommy, I am sorry that your grandfather died." She wraps her skinny arm tightly around my neck, we put our foreheads together for a moment, and she is finally ready to go to sleep.
2:00 ish...
3:30-5:00 ish...
I forgot to mention that at 9 am Steven texted me from work to say that he got the date wrong for our tax appointment, and that at 9 am tomorrow we are doing our taxes. I am in a panic. Luckily, a dear friend and her baby whisperer mommy come over to distract the kids. After Mimi gives Melese his saxophone lesson, they all go out swimming in the turtle pool. (No pictures due to much nudity, my preoccupation with finding every single receipt I can, and wondering out loud, "What else can we write off now that we have kids?"
5:00 pm ish...
Speaking of nudity...
6:00 pm ish...
7:00 pm ish...
9:00 pm ish...
For the first time ever Meazi said to me, "Mommy, I can go to sleep by myself." Usually I stay with her in bed until she is sound asleep, and I inevitably fall asleep too, hence my lack of blogging, or laundry folding, or grocery shopping. I had said something to Meazi about how worried I was about getting my tax stuff done in time. She said, "What will Tom the Tax Man do if you are not ready?" I said, "He will be upset." I think this is why she said it was okay for me to leave the bed.
10:00- 11:00 pm ish...
Friday, April 10th, 2010.
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