Sunday, November 11, 2007

Join us on our journey...

Steven and I have officially decided to pursue our Ethiopian adoption. I am extremely excited. I've spoken with our social worker, and we have begun the initial application process. It will be a long, difficult, and expensive process. We are asking for siblings between 0-3.

This is not a decision that we rushed into. As many of you know, we have been trying to build our family for many years. Transracial, international adoption is a complex issue. I hope by creating this blog I will educate myself, as well as others.

This picture was taken last summer in the ballroom where our wedding reception was eight years ago. It is high time we had a bigger family. Hopefully our children will be better dancers.


  1. Where's the pic?

    Bring on some nieces and nephews (without fur!)!!

    I'm with you all the way, even to Addis Ababa.

  2. nothing quite like starting a family...great
    Aunt Jeannette

  3. I’m SOOO Excited for you guys!
    What an Incredible Journey this is going to be!

  4. Hi! I saw your post on the chs forum! We are also starting our adoption process. Congratulations!
