Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Off to College...

Meazi asked me if she could take her nap today in her toddler bed.


By herself.

How did this happen?

She's practically eighteen.

Please press pause. It is going by too fast.


  1. Oh, man, so fast! But so great!

  2. Dreamy. Hold on tight, Mama.


  3. oh horrible horrible horrible time...so slow before they arrive and so horrifically fast once they are here (except when it isn't.)

    last week Quinn asked if he could read his book alone in bed without me reading to him. What?! That's MY best time of the day. How could he do that to me? Just grow up like that without me giving him a signed permission slip saying, yes, it's ok just go ahead and break my heart.

    yup. I feel yah. So fast. And I know for you it must feel even faster. I'm happy you have two!!!

  4. I had the same feeling today. Sam went to the babysitter's house for the first time and had a blast. Without me. Without Gregg. Just the babysitter and other little girl and ... again I say, without me. How did this happen??
    I swear our kids were little last time I checked.

  5. I don't blame you. I don't even really *know* her, but I would want to hang out as much as possible.

  6. ahhhh look at her, all peaceful and safe knowing that she can let go of you a little bit. Wow, that's growth! beautiful

  7. oh wait until the first sleepover gulp...everything about that photo says "home" to me.

  8. Happened cuz you & Steven made her feel so safe & loved. Well done.

  9. Pause would be so great. RIght up there with rewind.

  10. Secure in her home. Surrounded by your love.

  11. Ack! But she's still cute as a wee button as she sleeps!

  12. awww. I think they are right....it is a good sign of how secure she is feeling!

  13. oh, I'm right there with you!

  14. ugh. i know. i think you'll still have plenty more cuddle sessions though!

  15. My oldest is almost 12 and it honestly seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. It goes so fast. so fast.

    It seems like just yesterday we were longing for children and our nest will be empty again before we know it. Sniff..sniff...sniff....
