Thursday, August 11, 2011

Up North

After six days at the lake, my father called me over last night and said, "Jules, I want you to know that we love these children as much as we love you guys. They are wonderful, and there is nothing we wouldn't do for them. We will love them forever."

Happy vacation ugly cry to me!

We are off! Again! Did I mention my baby sister is getting hitched?


  1. Even when you know they feel that way, it really is great to hear them actually say it isn't it?

  2. Oh my. Perfect. That's the way it should be. Happy ugly vacation cry. :-)

  3. I am sending this to my Dad when our time comes :).

  4. You are so lucky. So. So. Lucky. I know you know this - not everyone has such a family. It is a gift of such preciousness. Isn't it such a crap shoot, how we all don't have it 'all' - and that the riches we have often are the most precious when they take the shape of personal relationships? Grandparents. Sibs. Friends....
    Extraordinary sweetness.

  5. Awww shucks. I'm getting all misty eyed. That's the sweetest thing. What a great dad/grandfather.

  6. We r Up North as well. My father called me over and said if I didn't start disciplining my kids other kids would do it for me. And has repeatedly recommended I hit the kids.

  7. Oh wow. SERIOUS ugly cry territory there!

  8. What a papa. Of course they feel that way, but how precious that Bob told you. Can't wait to see you all again.
