Monday, December 8, 2014

Is This Blog On?

Wow. Holy Blog Neglect! Happy Holidays!

 For the two people I know who aren't on Facebook, we are holding an ONLINE AUCTION to benefit the Kololo School and The Awassa Reading Center. GO HERE to bid on One of a Kind items like V.I.P tickets to the Ellen Show, tickets to the Mockingjay 2 premier, and a bunch of other cool stuff. Thank you to everyone who donated items. Bidding continues today through tomorrow, closing at 5:00 pm PST! Here is the link again: AUCTION LINK

This school has come a long way. It seems like yesterday when it was just a dream. Remember?

 I remember how all of you helped make this school happen.

Sometimes it feels like a drop in the bucket. I hear stories about how the kids go home at noon because they are too hungry to continue school, about the bathroom caving in, and about the huge waiting list for a spot in the classroom. It is discouraging. I want this school to continue. I want more kids to have an opportunity to attend.
Please check out the auction and bid if you can. I understand folks get disappointed when they are 'outbid' but let's go back a minute to the reason Heather Cox and I are doing this...

 Perhaps if you were outbid, consider donating what you 'limit' was. Perhaps you don't get an item or an experience.  But you will make a difference in their futures.

Donate here to keep the Kololo School Open.
Donate here to keep The Awassa Reading Center Open.

Thanks very much.