Monday, December 8, 2014

Is This Blog On?

Wow. Holy Blog Neglect! Happy Holidays!

 For the two people I know who aren't on Facebook, we are holding an ONLINE AUCTION to benefit the Kololo School and The Awassa Reading Center. GO HERE to bid on One of a Kind items like V.I.P tickets to the Ellen Show, tickets to the Mockingjay 2 premier, and a bunch of other cool stuff. Thank you to everyone who donated items. Bidding continues today through tomorrow, closing at 5:00 pm PST! Here is the link again: AUCTION LINK

This school has come a long way. It seems like yesterday when it was just a dream. Remember?

 I remember how all of you helped make this school happen.

Sometimes it feels like a drop in the bucket. I hear stories about how the kids go home at noon because they are too hungry to continue school, about the bathroom caving in, and about the huge waiting list for a spot in the classroom. It is discouraging. I want this school to continue. I want more kids to have an opportunity to attend.
Please check out the auction and bid if you can. I understand folks get disappointed when they are 'outbid' but let's go back a minute to the reason Heather Cox and I are doing this...

 Perhaps if you were outbid, consider donating what you 'limit' was. Perhaps you don't get an item or an experience.  But you will make a difference in their futures.

Donate here to keep the Kololo School Open.
Donate here to keep The Awassa Reading Center Open.

Thanks very much.

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Writing. New Family Members.

For the three Blog followers who aren't on Facebook, here is some new writing...

Is Motherhood More Bitter than Sweet? at InCulture Parent.


Also, this happened....

We adopted another brother and sister.