Saturday, June 15, 2013

Five Or More Things That I Like About Daddy, by Meazi and Melese...

Five Or More Things That I Like About Daddy, by Meazi and Melese.


I like that he is brave.

 I like how alike Melese and Daddy are. (Melese pipes in “Because our birthdays are so close.”)

 I like that we have fart contests. (No one claimed we were highbrow over here and thankfully for you, no picture).

I like when Daddy’s work is over because then I get to see him.

I like how scientific he is.

  I like how artistic he is.

 I like how he teaches me crocheting and knitting. (Or Beekeeping).


I like that he is shy.

He loves me.

 Because I love him and he gives me presents and stuff. 

I love when I jump into daddy’s arms. 

I love him because I kiss him.

 I like how he tricks me when he comes home like he says, “What are you having for breakfast?”when it is dinnertime.

 I like that he loves me, again. 

Introducing Meazi to the ocean.

Each year on his birthday, Steven makes a cake for Melese's birthday which is the following day. That was a really confusing sentence. The point is, he spends his whole birthday (Steven) preparing for Melese's.

She still looks at him this way.

How many men can feed the baby without putting their drink down? Remarkable.

Trash Truck Cake- Melese's 2nd Birthday.

Parenting Books.

Firetruck cake that LIT UP- Melese's 3rd Birthday.

Pumpkin Dremel-ling.

Helping M&m make their oath for citizenship.

Explaining the plight of the Jews to a three year-old.
Spending additional hair hours because Melese would like to look exactly like his big sister.

 Happy Father's Day to an incredible father.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dear Meazi,

Dear Meazi,

In case I don't get a chance to write you a proper letter on your last day of school like I did last year

here is how your best friend describes you:

An Honest Child.

A Loyal Kid.

A Smart Girl.

A Bee-Charmer.

An Extremely Funny Lady.

A Nice Person.

A Gentle Being.

My Friend.
Happy last day of second grade.

I love you,
