Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Show and Tell

Meazi what was the best part of your day?

"Show and Tell!"

This is not a picture from yesterday, but it is a picture of what she looked like after school. She was beaming. Her teacher gave me a 'thumbs up' as she said goodbye to Meazi. Meazi walked out carrying the huge 11x14 framed picture from Ethiopia.  She saw a fellow student's father in the parking lot and showed it to him. He told her that he and his daughter would find Ethiopia on a map just as soon as they got home.

Meazi said that all of the kids' eyes "popped out of their heads" when they heard that she had two cows, and then again when they heard that she had taken two airplanes to get to America. She told them many things.

She was so happy. It seemed like a heavy weight had been lifted.

Meazi continues to amaze me.

My beautiful, brave, sparkly-eyed girl.


  1. Beautiful, remarkable and those windows to her soul sparkle like diamonds.


  2. Oh goodness, this post makes me smile...not as vibrantly as Meazi...but I love that she showed the father in the parking lot. And the fact that she is proud and talking so much of Ethiopia seems so beautiful and flowing.

  3. Such a great, great follow up to yesterday's post. thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Sweet! Glad she was so happy & proud.

  5. That makes me happy for you all.

  6. She had two cows?! I do not need to know the private stuff, but this is very, very interesting. Can't you ask her what she would like everyone in the world to know about her? And then tell us?

  7. Go, Meazi, go! So happy all went well! Brave and beautiful is your girl!

  8. i love to hear about meazi and her days. my son gizatu home since end of august is now touching my screen saying meazi meazi, he wants to see her picture again.

  9. I am so happy it went well. I love Meazi, she with the sparkliest eyes of all.

  10. Good for you for going with your gut and also for prepping the teacher. The girl is amazing, and I love that she is so proud of Ethiopia!

  11. Yay for Meazi! And yay for her mom, willing to follow her lead and trust her instincts!

  12. Love it! Great decision to let her take the lead. She just shines. The cow-living-in-the-home (and mooing loudly) is one of the fav parts of Z's story around here, too.

  13. I think that it is an interesting balance. Last memorial day, at her after school program, my daughter laid out some very heavy stuff for first graders at her table - a surprise to all. She seems to need to tell some people and keep her story private for others. We have talked about the fact that is her story and she can tell when she wants to. I would sort of prefer that she keep it quiet but it is hers.

    She is less public about one of her middle names (her dad's name). She'll even tell people that it is private.

    And, she is so so so proud of being from Ethiopia and her tribe, and that she knows all her traditional dances very well, and craves ET food all the time, etc.

    All part of the territory.


  14. wow.

    Meazi, no doubt you are destined to BE greatness. In fact, you already are.

    Julie, the same goes for you..

  15. I just read your previous post about Meazi and the question of whether to do her show and tell with the Ethiopia picture and the difficulties of how/when/whom to share their life story with. Our son is not two yet and we've said the same thing you have, "it's his story to tell when and if he wants to tell it." But we know the day is coming soon when he can share his story on his own. We are also wondering how you teach that and protect it as a parent when they are too young to realize who are good people to know their story. we have some people in our lives who could do damage with our son's story. how do we tell him "not to tell them" without him being embarrassed about his past, ashamed, etc? we struggle with this. any thoughts?

  16. Just catching Thanks for sharing this, Julie. Your instincts were spot on and you both are brave and beautiful.
