Friday, October 30, 2009

NaBloPoMo ?

I'm going to attempt this. Wanna try it?

Maybe it will help me to actually write something on this blog again. I keep getting e-mails saying," I used to really like your blog."


Also, if you wonderful people of the Interwebs sent a gift to M&m to the address on the sidebar, I APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY. I didn't make it over to the P.O. Box. (If you must know, I have a wee bit of anxiety about leaving the homestead with the two small darlings). I am sorry if it was returned to you, and thank you so much for thinking of us.

Oh shit! There is no way I am going to be able to blog everyday for a month. Just now, I turned and found Meazi sucking on a battery. I have TWO KIDS!


  1. Well, there is juice in a battery, right?

    I hardly venture out those days I have both boys alone. After a year and a half. Pathetic. (me, not you)

  2. Too funny about the battery. My 1 yr old nephew was sick to his stomach and his mom rushed him to the hospital. They thought he may swallowed something and took an x-ray, only to see a battery in his chest. The Dr's were trying to figure out what to do when they realized oops! the little guy just had put it in his shirt pocket.


  3. Well I still really like reading your blog - you don't post quite so much, but what you do post is pure gold. I really like to see the pictures with M looking so happy, it gives me hope that the little sad-eyed girl in the referral picture I look at every day will someday soon undergo the same transformation.

  4. I wanted to say that I still really enjoy your blog. I look forward to your posts.

    Seeing M&M and hearing about your adventures gives me a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, one day I will be too busy chasing my baby to blog (Oh I hope).

  5. if you'd continued to blog at the rate you had been pre-children i may have been forced to fly out just to smack you.

    i might join you. i need a challenge in my blogging life. then again, i may just sleep. or fold clothes. or read. or stare at pictures of yonas. i'd better get back to you...

  6. nooooo worries... we are still big fans. I have one 21 month old, but 2 teenagers. I'm crazy busy. The blogging will come back when you can hide away in a closest or nap time...unless you are napping, too.
    Your kids are beautiful!!

  7. you CAN do it, if you write at night and then change the post time to post once a day. That's how I do it all the time (not just for NaBloPoMo.) Works well. I mean, the kids have to sleep sometime, right?
    also, its just blogging daily. Doesn't mean you have to write lengthy prose. You could just post a picture with a caption each day. We'd love you just as much, since we cannot get enough of those scrumptious kidlets of yours!

  8. I am so HAPPY I will get to read something even if it is about battery sucking!;)
    Welcome to motherhood! No time for much!:) But you must blog a little- free therapy!:)

  9. Yikes about the battery, but yeah about NaBloPoMo :)

  10. a valiant attempt. i have found that dangers lurk every time i turn my head! they obviously keep you busy. and exhausted. and happy.

  11. I say stock up on batteries and DO IT! We'd all love to have you back. And besides, isn't all the bad for you stuff is INSIDE THE BATTERY? ;)

  12. I love your blog Julie!
    Whether it is just a pic or video of your kids or your usual wonderfully thoughtful writing.
    But, it's like talking on the telephone...the kids know your attention is diverted...they will save up their sneaky battery sucking until you are engrossed in your blog, pecking away!
    So beware!

  13. I love your blog Julie!
    Whether it is just a pic or video of your kids or your usual wonderfully thoughtful writing.
    But, it's like talking on the telephone...the kids know your attention is diverted...they will save up their sneaky battery sucking until you are engrossed in your blog, pecking away!
    So beware!

  14. I support the effort! I may join you! I STILL love your blog!

  15. I couldn't post every day and I don't have kids, yet. We don't pay for your words and insight, though we should. So we're just going to have to take whatever we get!

  16. It seems like all the cool kids are doing it and I need a kick in the ass to get my blog going again... I may end up joining you.

  17. I promise it is still a kickass blog. The posts may be fewer and far between, but they are things of beauty.

    I hope you do try NaBloPoMo!

  18. Jules, I am in on the NaBloPoMo. I am gonna use it as a chance to tell stories with my kids that I might not tell otherwise. Ya know, the funny little moments.

  19. I did NaBloPoMo one or two Novembers ago, and thought about it this year. I'm having trouble finding time to do things I want to do, like make a phone call, though. So, NaBloPoMo ain't gonna happen. I miss you and your blog, but I would so much rather that you have two kids than return to your former reign as worlds A#1 very best blogger. And a little battery acid never hurt anybody, right? Ruth & Aster are obsessed with them and somehow figure out how to get the battery covers off of clickers and toys. Not cool. When I tell them "migib aydellem!" they laugh at me. It's pretty metfo.
